Fall 2024

Math 3110 Linear Algebra for Engineers

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Homework and In-class Assignments

Assigned work is listed here. Homework is due in class at 2:10 p.m. on the due date, unless otherwise stated. The deadlines are provided in Canvas and on this page. Late homework may be accepted in unusual pre-approved circumstances, and will be subject to a 10\% late penalty. Homework cannot be submitted for credit after 2:10 pm the next class day (since assignments will be returned graded then (except under emergency circumstances) and solutions will be posted in Canvas that day).
  • Due on Wednesday August 28 (assigned August 21): Please write (or, preferably, type) a paragraph or two about yourself. What is your major? What is your mathematical background? Why are you taking this class? What are you hoping to get out of this class? How do you intend to ensure a successful experience in this class?
    Visit the web site for this class (http://blythrd.me/edu, click on "Fall 2024 Classes" in the green box on the left) - tell me something about it that you like, and something that could be improved.
    Write anything else you wish.

    Where is New Zealand?

    Also: send an email to your family, telling them when your tests and final exam are in this class, advising them NOT to book travel that conflicts with these events. Pay particular attention to the date of the Final Exam.
  • Homework 1, due Wednesday August 28
  • Homework 2, due Wednesday September 4
  • Homework 3, due Wednesday September 11
  • Homework 4, due Wednesday September 18
  • Homework 5, due Wednesday October 2
  • Homework 6, due Wednesday October 9
  • Homework 7, due Wednesday October 16
  • Homework 8, due Wednesday October 30
  • Homework 9, due Wednesday November 6
  • Homework 10, due Wednesday November 13
  • Homework 11, due Monday November 25
  • Homework 12, due Wednesday December 4
  • After Homework 12
    • Section 10.3
      • Read Section 10.3
      • Section 10.3: 1, 2, 4, 5, 11